We consider ourselves people of the sea. We love Greece, the Aegean sea, and the Cyclades archipelago. We believe that it is only creativity at work that can help the development of our country and of our islands. This is howwe were led to join forces in a place and towards a product that inspires us: In the Cyclades, at Tinos island, to make beer!
Founders: Alexandros Kouris, Maya Tsokli, Elina and Costis Dallas
Directors: Stavros Ladas and Leda Ntafouli
The sole purpose of the "Cyclades Microbrewery at Tinos island" is to produce and make available a high quality standard, local, Cycladic production of craft beer.
We start with passion and the ambition to become a model company based on local artisanal production, as well aa an example of a regional investment that will add value to the economy of the Cyclades, for the benefit of its residents, as well as its numerous visitors.
We want the Cyclades Microbrewery at Tinos to become a hub in a growing value-added chain of local produce. We are confident that the food and hospitality sector of the Cyclades archipelago will get on board, and add value to Nissos beer while they also benefit from our cooperation.