Behind every extraordinary establishment lies a visionary, someone whose passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment breathe life into every corner of their domain.

In the heart of Vourgareli Village in Epirus, there's an amazing boutique hotel and a culinary oasis that's not just about exquisite cuisine but also embodies the essence of passion, dedication, and a sprinkle of magic.

We had the privilege of delving into the world of excellence with Marina Tyrologou, Hotel Manager of  Rouista Tzoumerka Resort.


How do you create a dining experience that immerses guests in the local culture of Epirus?

We prioritize fresh, seasonal ingredients sourced directly from our private farms near the hotel and when the needs increase, we collect them from Epirus farmers and producers. This ensures authentic flavors and a connection to the land. Our main goal is to present classic Epirus recipes with a touch of modern culinary finesse, creating a familiar yet exciting dining experience. Our atmosphere reflects the local culture. Think exposed stone walls, handwoven textiles, and local artwork, all fostering a sense of place. Our staff is knowledgeable about Epirus cuisine and traditions. They can explain dishes, answer questions about local ingredients, and share stories about the region.

-Why do you believe it is important to preserve and promote the traditional cuisine of this land?

Epirus cuisine is a rich tapestry of flavors and techniques passed down through generations. Preserving it ensures this heritage is not lost. Gastronomy is a powerful link to culture. By showcasing local cuisine, we offer guests a deeper understanding of Epirus' identity. Utilizing local ingredients supports sustainable practices and reduces the environmental impact of our restaurant.

-In what ways does your hotel contribute to the local community and economy?

We focus on three directions. Firstly, we support localism. We source primarily from Epirus farmers, bolstering the local agricultural economy. Secondly, Bostani employs local residents, contributing to job creation and income generation. And finally, by showcasing and promoting Epirus cuisine, we attract visitors who explore the region further, benefiting local businesses.

-Can you share the story behind choosing the specific recipes that feature on your menu?

The menu changes many times during a year, and this is because of the rich history of regional gastronomy which can give countless combinations. Some recipes are family heirlooms passed down through generations of our chefs' families. We research historical Epirus dishes and adapt them for a modern palate. Our menu changes seasonally to feature the freshest, most flavorful local ingredients at their peak.

-Can you tell us about your culinary team and their role in developing and preparing the dishes?

Our chefs are passionate about Epirus cuisine. They possess extensive experience and a deep understanding of local ingredients and techniques. The team collaborates to refine existing dishes and explore new ways to present Epirus flavors.

They are committed to preserving traditional recipes while incorporating innovative approaches.

-How does your restaurant support local farmers and producers?

We forge direct relationships with local farmers and producers, ensuring fair prices and high-quality ingredients, we highlight local producers on our menus and showcase their stories to our guests, and we prioritize sustainable practices from farm to table, reducing our environmental impact.

-Are there any upcoming events or special promotions that will feature the cuisine of Epirus?

Depending on the season, some festivals take place in some areas of Epirus with cooking and gastronomy events, and we often make some events in the hotel, like wine and food pairing featuring the local products.

-Do you have any plans to expand your menu or introduce new traditional dishes in the future?

We are always researching and exploring new ways to present traditional Epirus dishes. We might introduce seasonal specials or limited-time menus featuring newly discovered regional recipes.


(Thank you Marina)