Once you spell it right you won't forget it!
Nidodileda is a Greek brand based in Athens. It's not only about clothing, it's a philosophy... an idea which makes you feel free…
According to Dante it symbolizes “Leda’s nest”, Zeus’s mistress and mother of his twin sons Castor and Pollux also known as the Dioscuri, who were awarded for their brotherly love with a constellation. That constellation is Nidodileda.
The Nidodileda clothes caress the body and don’t suppress the female femininity. They’re dedicated to women who love freedom, aren’t scared to laugh out loud or to touch those around them with a smile or stand still in the middle of the street in order to spread their positive thoughts. They’re made for women who attract the attention of others on entering a room, beaming with confidence and self-assurance.
Follow Nidodileda to this ah-mazing ride filled with colouful images which you’ll most definitely enjoy. Feel free to explore our world...