Κonstantinos Patsios was born in Athens. He studied painting at the School of Fine Arts in Athens, whilst also taking sculpture classes. Patsios has been highly productive since 2005, by participating in numerous exhibitions, festivals and cultural events. 

In his work humor and creativity seem to go hand in hand with various symbols taken from popular culture, while the dominant feature of his work is the mixed media technique that he uses.

While his work exudes ambiguity and is filled with symbolic cues, it also maintains an element of spontaneity. 

Ηis work is a synthesis of several painting metaphors, from conceptual art and expressionism to pop art, all delivered in a sense of mockery and irony and an invitation to critical discourse. 

Although they may seem naïve at first sight, there is a strong underlying political dimension in his pictures. Using a variety of expressive media, from painting, sculpture and photography to large scale installations.

Art and especially image have their own rules: they go beyond paint, brushes and paper, over to constitute a narrative. Psychoanalysis is not sufficient by itself to interpret an image. A piece of art provokes aphorisms and coincidences. I

t may not be in itself a cause for war, but it will always be a mirror.

One of the principles in Patsio’s work is the synthesis of non-matching materials, data and the completion of an unequivocal picture.

Another personal obsession has to do with confusion: sometimes when the narrative is tiring to his viewer, he juxtaposes a tangled mess in order to stop thinking and start seeing!